Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Pretty cool scales hey? ..not quite as cool as mine thouugh because the night before the bin man came last week, i ran out and threw them in i regret it? honestly that action was one of the best things i have ever done!!!
If you're anything like me, the reason you have failed in the past is because of the number that appears on these evil electronic devices!! You think you are doing so well and you want to see your progression so you do the dreaded task of standing on scales only to realise you have been filled with disappointment, regret and thoughts of failure!..People know that the smallet things can change your weight..water, food, clothes, sleep, tiredness, stress, the list goes on!!
The feelings left with regularly weighing yourself give you very little motivation to keep going on your path, whether its a day after starting your diet, or a brings you down...SO WHY DO IT!?

1. get a tape measure
2. get down to your underwear
3. get a close friend to measure and record you (use this same friend every week or fortnight because they'll do it the same)
4. do this at the same time, once a week
5. watch the centmeters drop off!!!!

DAY 4!! Really getting into ths now!! After a massive swim last night and run today you really can recognise how the two work together..our bodies were desgned for this! Most of us are gong against our bodies desires and we wonder why we carry weight!
4 days on I'm sticking with my 3,3,3 (see second blog)
4 days on and i havent been bloated
4 days on im ALREADY being told i look lke ive lost weight
and most importantly
4 days on and I've gone from a girl who didn;t think she could lose weight because i was scared of failure, to a girl who knows she can do this

Imagine what you could do if you remained strong for four days :)

Tuesday, 28 February 2012 to find out more.

3RD day...seems like nothing but to be honest, for me its a HUGE milestone!!
For those of you who have been through a weight loss battle you would know that
it only takes 1 or 2 days to convince yourself that you are going to fail...
it only takes 1 or 2 days to lose sight of your dreams...
it only takes 1 to 2 days to break a good streak of eating well...
the 3rd day going strong is the real beginning of an amazing journey..

if you fight for 3 days this is what I've found
- i can actually do this
- my dreams are actually in sight
- my will power to say no to bad foods is getting stronger
- change is already starting!!

 although all of these things are amazing, its not all rainbows! i think the last time i had poptarts i was maybe 8 or 9..and all i wanted today was poptarts!!..its amazing what your mind can do if you allow it to wonder in weak directions! Heres a bit of a tip for you all

life is changing, it already has! It is amazing how good you can feel when you have goals and you belive in yourself that you are capable of doing it!!! Small changes will happen by day 3, bigger changes will continue to happen the stronger you remain!

Monday, 27 February 2012

change in hard mentally and physically


Over the past 6 months I have cleaned up my diet a lot, no where near where it should have been but i went by the whole 80/20 know, 20% crap food and 80% good food BUT not being in control of how much i ate, how big portion sizes should be, how many 'healthy' snacks to have.
I've now learned when i should eat, what i should eat at cetrain times, what i need in small doses, what i should stay away from...we all know it right!
these past two days of strictly eating sensibly and by the book and this is what i've discovered

- fruit makes me hungrier
- you want what you know you cant have
- eating healthy is easy, eating strictly isn't
- change is hard!!! Mentally and Physically

BUT the positive to all of these challenges is IM FEELING BETTER! Goodbye bloatedness, lack of energy and simply feeling like crap...what 'they' say, whoever they is...3 serves of vegies, 3 pieces of fruit and 3 Litres of water daily...
so here is the challenge!!

3. 3. 3

For any of you who have tried losing weight and given up, seen no results and have convinced yourself you just cant do it...make these changes as of tomorrow and you'll be well on your me!!

Saturday, 25 February 2012

a NEW you begins with a REAL you

This is where it all begins..
Realising over the past 2 years that life isnt all rainbows and butterflys and the fairy tales you read about in books...I know right, how good would it be if all our lives were those 20 page picture story books where there's a begining, middle and they all lived happily ever after and you're left with that warm fuzzy feeling inside because nothing bad will ever ever ever happen to those people in their perfect story book world..wake up, life isn't like that. For some of you reading this you're like 'wow i know what she means, like last week sarah and ryan broke up because sarah was talking to ryans best friend and ryan was seen crying in the bathrooms because he thought she was the one OMG' ........and the rest of you, like me, you know it because you've been there...and the plain and simple reality of it is that life is hard, it can seem unfair, it hurts and although you know 'other people have it worse off' it still sucks.
SURPRISINGLY though, this blog isnt about the heart aches of life trials and tribulations, its about me coming out the other end with a new kind of understanding and lease on something that through my highs school years, through the death of my dad, has always eaten me alive...its the deadly topic of
there you go, I've said it! After 8 years, long years, years most of us wish to forget...the years of hormone changes, hips growing, acknowledging what you look like, understanding what clothing sizes are, pimples..etc etc etc...WEIGHT has never been something that ive been able to lock in the closet..all you blessed little bodies are thinking right now 'eat well and exercise!' right?...wrong..after a year of, i guess you could call it picking up the pieces and finding myself, i now see that the reason and effectiveness of weight gain and weight loss all begins with yourself, no one else. 'You've got nothing to worry about, your beautiful, at least your fit, you're so toned though?" I've heard them all and i still dont believe them.
The words DEPRESSION FRUSTRATION FAILURE come to mind when i think of my weight loss journey because i have never, up until now, realized that i hadn't dealt with this issue properly. I had convinced myself i had TRIED and it DIDNT WORK...then one day i decided not to be scared of actually trying and failing and be honest with myself which is what brings me to this blog.

the truth is, i had tried...for about 3 days at a time.. then i would convince myself it wasnt going to work...old habits came straight back...
I would get angry and upset because 'i work so hard and nothing changes'...but when i decided to be honest wth myself...i wasnt working hard enough.
all because i was scared of my own failure before i even failed............


come on this daily journey with me as i face my worst nightmare, myself...and walk through life as a healthier, lighter, better me :)