Monday, 4 June 2012

where have you been?

Where have you been? 

some of you are probably asking this question, some of you are probably saying to yourselves 'i knew that she ' be able to keep up with this!' and that's fine because everyone can have their opinion, people are always going to have an opinion but if you'd like to know whats been happening read on!
Where have I been? I'm going top be really honest with you because I've promised honesty from the start, i want this to be a REAL blog!! I've been comfortable. There's that word and we allllll know it. We make changes, we are extremely motivated at the start and then we find ourselves in a place, not so good from when we started, its a place of comfort. The next thing I'm going to tell you i cannot stress the importance of it enough...
Falling into a place of comfort is completely and totally normal on a journey like this! You make severe changes in the beginning and eventually you find yourself continuing with some of the easy lifestyle changes and the others slowly fade away...we've all been there, and now i have too!
Comfort shouldn't take away your motivation...
It should motivate you to pick yourself up again!!
Comfort isn't about failing..
Recognising Comfort is a success!!
Once you have recognised comfort you can over come it! Once you can overcome it you can do anything!!!

This is how i am currently battling my comfortable stage!! I love picture! I am such a visual person and if i dont see something in front of me that i want to strive for, i forget what i am working for and lose all motivation to do it! I love going and looking at other people's success stories, one's that are much more extreme then mine will ever be, it shows me 'if they can then so can I!!"
We all need motivation..lets face it, believing in yourself is a huge step but we are all going to have times when we need reminding that we can do it and we are strong enough. I love being open about this journey..its amazing that when you start talking about it, other people begin to open up to you. I LOVE THIS...i love this because when i need motivation there are people who i can look to to find the motivation and I KNOW that other people will be looking at me for the same amazing is that!!

Just today I have signed up to receive ASHY BINES CLEAN EATING DIET PLAN
If you haven't heard of this before then you are missing out!! I'll post details below but basically she is a young woman with a killer body who sells her 'secrets' on how she gets and maintains that body...her page is entirely covered with the most breath taking success stories and i can't wait to use her affordable plan to be one of those!!

FACEBOOK: ashy bine bikini body challenge

go check it out and i will keep you all posted with how this motivational tool pays off on my journey!!